By Laws

The Constitution and Bylaws of AAIM will be binding on AAIM. Any action inconsistent therewith will be null and void. Neither the objects of AAIM referred to in Section 29 of the Act nor these rules can be altered except in accordance with the Act.
Dissolution of the Organisation
In the event of the dissolution of AAIM:
a) all assets that remain after such dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities must be transferred to another organisation with similar purposes, which is charitable at law and which has rules prohibiting the distribution of its assets and income to its members. This has to be done only after an AGM/SGM with at least three quarters (75%) of those members present agreeing to the resolution. In the event of disputes, there must be attempts to address the dispute before asset/s are transferred to others.
Liability of Members:
a) The liability of a member to contribute towards the payment of the debts and liabilities of AAIM or the costs, charges, and expenses of the winding up of the Association is limited to the amount of $2.
b) The private property and assets of the members and Office Bearers of the Association shall have no link or connection with the liability or debt of the association. Individual member’s private property and personal assets shall be totally exempt in this connection.
c) However, it must not affect the liability of a member caused by his or her own negligence, personal interests, ill-motives, criminal or wrongful acts, offense or misconduct.
a) The Association must effect and maintain public liability insurance under section 44 of the Act.

b) In addition to the insurance required under the previous clause, the Association may effect and maintain other insurances such as Director Insurance and Volunteers Insurance.
Amendments to the Constitution
a) Amendments to this constitution may be proposed either by the Executive Committee or by a petition of the Executive Committee at least one-third of the total AAIM membership. Adoption of the amendments shall require a three-quarters vote (75%) of the members voting present at a special resolution meeting provided that notice of the meeting and the content of the amendments have been announced to the membership at least 21 days prior to the time at which the vote will be taken.
b) The AAIM is a democratic, not-for-profit organisation. Everyone has a chance to express their acceptance or opposition to a proposed change in the constitution or bylaws. The general membership will be kept aware of the decisions being made by the Executive Committee and the justification for such decisions.
c) It is important to note that the name of the organisation, that is, ‘Indian Muslim Association of Australia’–AAIM, cannot be changed, modified, or deleted by any amendments once the name is registered with the relevant authority. The name will automatically disappear once the organisation becomes liquidated or wound up for any reason. This sub-clause [Amendments of Constitution] cannot be changed or amended in any form or removed from this constitution by the Executive Committee or by voting in any AGM or SGM.