Setup and Scope of Executive Committee
The AAIM must be governed by an Executive Committee (EC) made up of:
a) Eight (8) Positions: President, vice president, secretary, treasurer and four (4) portfolio managers:
(i) Position holders for all eight (8) positions will be decided by the elected members.
b) AAIM recognises the value of skills, experiences, and perspectives of a cultural, linguistic, and gender diverse community of Australian Indian Muslims. The Executive Committee will comprise of members that represents this diversity.
c) The Executive Committee members shall be nominated by the Shura Consultation with members in the first instance (or elected if necessary) at every alternate Annual General Meeting, thereby enabling each elected member to be in office for 2 years. The Executive Committee may appoint from the Association’s membership a person to fill any casual vacancy that may arise from time to time. The person(s) thus appointed shall hold office until the next ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Association when elections are held.
d) All Executive Committee members shall hold office until the next AGM of the Association when elections are held. EC members are eligible for re-election, but a person shall not hold the position of President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer for more than two (2) consecutive terms or hold the position of a Portfolio Manager for more than three (3) consecutive terms, unless not enough nominations are received.
e) The Executive Committee must have complete authority to control and manage the business, to raise funds in any manner not inconsistent with the policies of the local government, and to perform all other necessary functions.
f) Decisions or actions of the Executive Committee may be overruled by a three quarters (75%) majority of members present in the AGM or SGM.
g) Rules of order, as revised, must govern all procedural questions arising at meetings of the Executive Committee when they are applicable and when they are not inconsistent with the AAIM‘s constitution and bylaws.
h) Chairpersons of sub-committee (set up by Executive Committee for any events or issues) may attend meetings of the Executive Committee and have the privilege of speaking on matters relevant to the respective sub committee’s function, but shall have no power to vote by virtue of their committee role. Any other member of the AAIM may attend Executive Committee meetings and may be granted the privilege of the floor at the discretion of the presiding officer but shall have no power to vote.
i) If votes are divided equally on a decision, the President has a second or casting vote.
j) The Executive Committee shall have the authority to remove any Executive Committee member who, without just cause, fails to physically attend three consecutive regular Executive Committee meetings in one financial year. There must be at least seven (7) meetings held by the Executive Committee in each financial year.
Duties and Responsibilities of Executive Committee
The Executive Committee has the authority and responsibility for overall administration, management and governance of the Association in accordance with the objectives, purpose, and aims of the Association. Everything the Executive Committee does must be in line with the governing document, i.e., this constitution.
a) The Executive Committee will –
i. Work in the best interests of members of the Association and the wider Canberra community with a focus on serving with love and compassion to building a harmonious community, empowering individuals, strengthening families, and contributing positively to society to achieve the objectives of the Association.
ii. Plan and organise programs and activities, and manage, coordinate and oversee such functions.
iii. Liaise and work closely with members of the Association.
iv. Develop strategies that encourage membership and community participation in the programs and activities of the Association.
v. Prepare and manage budgets and manage the Association’s assets.
vi. Ensure that membership, finance, accounting, taxation, insurance and all other necessary records (documents, membership database/register, minutes, receipts, etc) are maintained and kept up-to-date.
vii. Coordinate and arrange meetings and venues.
viii. Ensure an update following meetings on major issues is provided to the members by email or by other means.
ix. Exercise functions that may be exercised by the Association other than those functions that are required to be exercised by the Association in a general meeting.
x. Be accountable to members for everything AAIM does including its spending, events, decisions, actions and activities.
xi. Ensure compliance with any relevant legal and regulatory requirements if/as required and seek guidance around any uncertainties or potential risk factors.
xii. Ensure that all money, assets and resources of the Association are properly used, managed and accounted for.
b) While the Executive Committee has the overall management and the governing authority, it can conduct routine business only and cannot make –
i. any alterations or changes to the constitution; or
ii. any decision on a matter or substantive issue which has significant impacts or consequences to the Association, its members, the constitution or the community it serves.
c) Such decision or resolution in previous clause can only be reached or agreed by members in an AGM or SGM.
d) The Executive Committee is collectively responsible for ensuring that:
i. the Association complies with relevant Territory and Federal Government Acts, regulations and this constitution, including to notify:
(i) certain decisions made by the Association by special resolution, including: changes to the name, address, objects and constitution;
(ii) when there is a change to the Public Officer (and changes to their registered address)
(iii) when the Association becomes a trustee;
(iv) when the Association winds up; or
(v) when the Association amalgamates with another Association/s;
ii. individual Committee members comply with these principles, ideals, objects, acts, rules and guidelines;
iii. in the circumstance that the Association is registered for tax purposes, the Australian Tax Office is notified of certain changes to the Association including the appointment of a new Public Officer within one month from the occurrence of the change;
iv. the Association is only doing things that are permitted by the Association‘s Constitution and objects; and
v. the Committee’s decisions are based on what is best for the Association and which will help guide the Association towards achieving its objectives.
e) Committee members must exercise their powers and discharge their duties –
i. honestly, fairly, in good faith and in the best interests of the Association and its
ii. with reasonable duty of care, diligence and skill for the benefit of the Association and
its membership;
iii. for a proper purpose; and
iv. disclose and properly manage conflict of interest (both real and perceived)
f) A Committee member and any former Committee member must not make improper use of:
i. their position or authority; or
ii. any information acquired by virtue of them holding the position in the Committee so
as to:
a. gain an advantage for oneself or any other person; or
b. cause harm or damage to the Association or its members or the community, for
example, by revealing confidential or sensitive information which is discussed at the
meetings held by the Executive Committee to persons outside of the Committee.
g) In addition to duties imposed by the constitution, the Committee must also perform any other duties imposed, from time to time, by resolution at a general meeting.
h) The outgoing Executive Committee shall properly hand over all necessary records, financial statements/audit reports and other documents to the new elected Executive Committee, within two weeks after the date of the last AGM held. The incoming Executive Committee must properly take over all necessary accounts, records, assets and documents from the outgoing Executive Committee.
i) Outgoing Executive Committee membership is declared vacant at the AGM. After vacating the Executive Committee membership if there is a delay in electing the new Executive Committee for any reason, the outgoing (declared vacant) Executive Committee shall continue to operate the day-to-day activities or affairs of the Association just by being in a care taker arrangement. But the outgoing Executive Committee will not have any significant or major executive decision-making authority without consent of general members.
Role of the Individual Member of THE Executive Committee
The tasks of the President include but not be limited to:
a) organise, plan and work to ensure the continuation and overall success of the AAIM;
b) delegate responsibilities as needed;
c) represent the AAIM in social and governmental meetings;
d) act as chair in general and the Committee meetings at which s/he is present;
e) ensure the setting of long-term goals for AAIM, the achievement of these goals, and periodic review of these goals where necessary, in consultation with the Executive Committee;
f) act as a spokesperson for AAIM;
g) lead, coordinate and drive the team work in accordance with the duties and responsibilities of the Executive Committee as outlined in the previous section; and
h) overall, the President is responsible for ensuring that the Committee fulfils its obligations, accountabilities and responsibilities for good governance and success of the association and ensure that the organisation’s activities are conducted in line with its objectives.
i) co-ordinate between all portfolios and ensure strategy, direction and harmonies between them are maintained.
j) The President must deliver the mandate or Amanah and enforce the law with justice. This is had been highlighted in the verses of Al-Qur’an below:
“Indeed, Allah commands you to deliver the trusts to their [rightful] owners, and, when you judge between people, to judge with fairness. Excellent indeed is what Allah advises you. Indeed, Allah is all-hearing, all-seeing.” (An- Nisaa’ 4:58)
Vice President
The tasks of the Vice President include, but not be limited to:
a) assist the President and members of the Executive Committee in setting of long-term goals for FC, the achievement of these goals and periodic review of these goals;
b) act as a spokesperson for FC in the absence of the President;
in the role of President in the absence of the President; and
c) deputise in the role of President in the absence of the President; and
d) responsible for the management of FC key projects from time to time.
The Secretary is the primary administration officer of the Association. The tasks of the Secretary include, but not be limited to:
a) call meetings of the Executive Committee.
b) call meetings of the AGM/SGM on behalf of the Committee
c) convene meetings and ensure that meetings are effectively organised;
d) book rooms/venues;
e) deal with communication and correspondence including circulation of agenda, minutes and reports;
f) prepare agendas for meetings (in consultation with the President, Treasurer and Portfolio Managers);
g) ensure back-up information is available at meetings where the topics to be discussed require it;
h) care of the common seal;
i) record the minutes of each meeting (Executive Committee meeting, AGM, SGM, etc) and submit a copy to next meeting and AGM/SGM;
j) fulfil the duties of day to day running of AAIM;
k) oversee the planning and work of each member;
l) oversee the planning and work of sub-committees formed;
m) act as the central reference point for administering, managing, and maintaining necessary records, documents, and information for the Association and provide such information to the Committee members, in meetings and the general membership, as necessary and required;
n) act as the custodian of the Association’s records and all governing documents and work in accordance with the “Duties and Responsibilities of Executive Committee” as outlined in the previous section;
o) responsible for personal information and its storage, handling and safe keeping and maintain accurate records of the Association’s membership in a Membership Register which includes:
a. relevant membership applications,
b. individual member’s contact details, and membership number in a membership
database; and
c. list of members; and
p) communicate with members by sending notes or reminder notices for events and other activities.
The tasks of the Treasurer include, but not be limited to:
a) manage all financial transactions of AAIM and prepare a budget;
b) submit a periodical financial summary of expenditures to the Executive Committee and an annual financial summary of expenditures to AGM;
c) assist and advice the executive member in charge of media in sponsorship-seeking or fund-raising activities. In the event that the member is vacant, the Treasurer is to coordinate all sponsorship-seeking activities;
d) ensure all financial transactions are done and recorded with proper authorisation. It is the Committee’s duty and Treasurer’s full responsibility to disclose all financial transactions if any member asks in AGM but not privately;
e) subject to prior approval of the Executive Committee for any specific program, coordinate and approve any expenditure only up to $1,000 (Dollar one thousand). Any major expenditure above $1,000 (Dollar one thousand) has to be approved by a majority of members present in a meeting of the Executive Committee;
f) ensure any funds collected from members or from any other sources, are deposited into the bank account within 2 weeks from the date of collection; and
g) work closely with the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Portfolio Managers for the overall governance and administration of the association and work in accordance with the “Duties and Responsibilities of Executive Committee” as outlined in the previous section.
Portfolio Managers
The tasks of a committee member include, but not be limited to:
a) perform specific duties related to the portfolio.
b) help the other Office Bearers to achieve a positive outcome;
c) maintain, protect, and enhance public trust and confidence in the delivery of services through increased accountability and transparency.
d) support and sustain a robust, vibrant, independent, and innovative service offering.
e) take reasonable steps to ensure that credible, responsible, and appropriately experienced persons are co-opted to work with the community and deliver portfolio outcomes.
f) ensure the direction and coordination of project(s) and activities under his/her remit. Responsible for budget, resources, and timelines for their projects.
g) understand accountability and ensure compliance with the Islamic best practices and Australian Standard laws.
h) cultivate strong and sound relationships with Executive Committee members and relevant stakeholders.
i) work closely with other executive committee members as a team in accordance with the “Duties and Responsibilities of Executive Committee” as outlined in the previous section.
Sub-committees can be established by the Executive Committee to execute the work of AAIM from time to time. The Executive Committee will develop terms of reference for each subcommittee to guide its work.
The Chairperson of the sub-committee will be appointed by the Executive Committee. The Sub-committee chairperson must, in turn, select the members of their respective subcommittee. The sub-committees (except for the Elections Committee) will operate under the direction and approval of the Executive Committee.